Cloudera 利用 RAG 工作室预览版加速企业人工智能发展
RAG 聊天机器人具备普通聊天机器人缺乏的更高准确性和可靠性 美国加州圣克拉拉, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 作为是唯一真正的数据、分析和人工智能混合
CGTN: Tide rising: A new height in Macao's economic diversification
CGTN publishes an article on how Macao promotes economic diversification in the past 25 years BEIJING, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hui Ho-Kit,
Duck Creek Technologies 在北美、欧洲、中东和非洲以及亚太地区进行战略任命,以加强全球销售领导力
新聘高管强化了公司提升客户体验、推动全球增长以及引领 2025 年及以后保险业变革运动的承诺 波士顿, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Duck Creek Technolog
WeightWatchers Unveils Next-Gen Program With AI-Powered App Features
With access to Registered Dietitians, 150+ New ZeroPoint® Foods and smarter tracking features, the new program delivers a cutting-edge, flexible appr
Mavenir and Terrestar Achieve NB-IoT Non-Terrestrial Networks Milestone with First Live Data Session
Terrestar, with the assistance of Mavenir, has also established a state-of-the-art laboratory dedicated to standard-based satellite communication test
越捷航空机队再添新翼 助力旅游旺季畅享云端之旅
(北京,2024年12月11日)越捷航空机队迎来了一位备受瞩目的新成员——一架空客A321neo ACF(Airbus Cabin Flex,意为空客灵活客舱),自德国汉堡空客工厂荣耀启程,顺利抵达越南
FRESCA™ Mixed Helps Fans Keep Drinks Cool and Hands Warm with Après Ski’s Hottest New Accessory—the
The ready-to-drink cocktail brand is giving fans 21 and older the chance to win a limited-edition FRESCA Mixed Muff – a reinvention of the iconic win
Duck Creek Technologies Strengthens Global Sales Leadership with Strategic Appointments in North Ame
New executive hires reinforce the company's commitment to elevating the customer experience, driving growth on a global scale, and leading a movement
Sidus Heroes:构建太空主题的元宇宙世界,重塑 Web3 游戏的未来
作为 Web3 游戏领域的先行者,Sidus Heroes 以其创新的太空主题元宇宙和独特的经济生态,正在重塑玩家对沉浸式游戏体验的认知。凭借史诗级的背景故事、可交易代币和
羽见老友,相约绿城!2024南宁·李永波羽毛球公开赛即将开赛! 2024南宁·李永波羽毛球公开赛将于12月14日-15日在广西体育中心综合训练馆隆重举行。本届赛事由南宁市
羽坛盛宴来袭!2024中国—东盟国际羽毛球公开赛12月14日挥拍南宁! 2024中国—东盟国际羽毛球公开赛将于12月14日至15日在广西南宁广西体育中心体育馆举行。本届赛事