Cross-Generational Leadership in Family Business: New Study from Egon Zehnder and FBN Unveils Strate
Global survey of 300 family business owners shows that while values are consistent across generations, differing approaches require careful management
Thai Airways Soars to New Heights with the AI-Native Networking Platform from Juniper Networks, Fuel
The airline has deployed wired and wireless network upgrades from Juniper across its headquarters, leveraging purpose-built AIOps capabilities to enab
展示单次处理1000万个细胞和1000多个样本的能力 西雅图--(美国商业资讯)--易于获取的可扩展单细胞测序解决方案的领先提供商Parse Biosciences今天宣布推出Pars
SLB OneSubsea获BP墨西哥湾Kaskida项目的海底增压合同
海底增压系统加速深水项目潜力的充分发挥 休斯顿--(美国商业资讯)-- SLB (NYSE: SLB) 今天宣布,BP与其OneSubsea合资企业签订合同,为美国墨西哥湾深水区Kaskida项
杨女士今年43岁,戴镜已经20多年,双眼高度近视(右眼近视750度,左眼近视825度),外形靓丽的她时常被厚厚的镜片影响,长期戴隐形眼镜又导致眼睛干涩不适。 最近她有强烈的摘
Schneider's sustainability program heads full speed toward its end-year targets with strong loc
Schneider Electric, the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, today announced the latest results of its Schneider
Sandoz reports third-quarter and nine-month 2024 sales
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to art. 53 SIX Swiss Exchange Listing Rules MEDIA RELEASE Strong third-quarter biosimilars growth of 37% in constant
Applestone Solutions 为 OEM 发布全新自动售货软件
自动化零售解决方案提供前所未有的灵活性及独特功能 Applestone Solutions 是创新型自动售货机软件领域的领导者,今天宣布更新其专为自动售货技术原始设备制造
此外,80%与《福布斯》全球2000强品牌相似的注册域名不属于该品牌 特拉华州威尔明顿--(美国商业资讯)--企业级域名注册商、缓解域和域名系统(DNS)威胁的全球领导
2ONE® Nicotine Pouches 与 MBM Motorsports 合作赞助多场赛事
Josh Bilicki 和 Chad Finchum 将分别驾驶 2ONE Pouches 66 号赛车征战 NASCAR 杯系列赛 斯泰茨维尔,北卡罗来纳州, Oct. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Motorsp
此次收购所带来的非生物、非类固醇外用疗法扩大了Organon在美国的皮肤病治疗能力。 新泽西州泽西市--(美国商业资讯)--以改善女性终生健康为使命的全球医疗保健